2024 Family Convention

A Message from Rob Strachan, Commander

Rob Strachan
Charles Robert Lund (Rob) Strachan,
Commander of the Honourable Clan Strachan

I am proud to inform our clansmen and women of the achievements we've accomplished since the 2014 Family Convention.

During the Convention, Attendees discussed various goals and objectives. These included continued participation in the Aboyne Highland Games (nearest to Strachan). Barring the pandemic when the games were cancelled, Clan Strachan has had a presence every year. Regarding advisors, I have been the Chairman of the Clan Strachan Charitable Trust in Scotland, and have attended virtually all Clan Strachan Society board meetings. In both cases, I found the information conveyed intelligent, passionate, and personally quite valuable and beneficial. Also discussed in 2014 was the desire to continue the highland hospitality to those visiting the Lower Deeside. As discussed then, my family have been welcoming visitors to the Mill of Strachan since 1964, and it's a family tradition that will forever be continued.

We also discussed the dream of having a focal point to bring the various disinherited and disbursed Strachan Houses together. The dream of having a centre for heritage and cottage in Strachan to encourage and allow Strachans to come and visit was discussed. This dream was described as 'pie in the sky', 'grandiose', and would probably take a lifetime to accomplish.

I am very proud to say that in September of 2020, Clan Strachan became one of the few Scottish Clans to actually acquire lands in their homeland. During the pandemic, the Society and Trust raised nearly £350,000 within 90 days to purchase the Feughside Inn, in Strachan Parish. Moreover, a second fundraiser has allowed the Clan to begin the establishment of a Clan Strachan Centre for Heritage at the Feughside, which is still under construction.

Finally, for the past five years (2018-23), I have been very involved in opposing a Wind Farm proposed to be located in Glendye, in Strachan Parish, and in clear view of Clachnaben and the Cairn O'Mount. The wind farm is proposed to be located, of all places, in a Special Landscape Area and designated Conservation Area. Clan Strachan has been joined in opposition by the Aberdeenshire Council, NatureScot, all local MSPs, Feughside Council, Mar Area Committee, Royal Society for the Preservation of Birds, 8 local estate owners, and many more organizations and individuals. That said, these were not my accomplishments, but rather a team effort and a testament to the organization and passion of our family. I might also add that, for me personally, this has been a labour of love.

In the words of Charles Burnett, the Supervising Officer, during the Family Convention, "The biggest room in the world is room for improvement, and the smallest room is a mushroom." My main effort is to finish the centre for heritage, and assist in preparing for 2024.

I cordially invite you to attend the Clan Strachan Family Convention. Be sure to notify the Strachan Society as soon as possible. You do not need to be a Society member.  Anyone believing they might be a Commander candidate, please contact the Society.