Join Clan Strachan Society

New Membership Registration

2019 Clan Strachan Gathering at the Aboyne Highland Games

Who we are?

Value and types of membership?

Member Eligibility

There are no surname requirements to being a Member of the Society.  Membership in the Clan Strachan Society is not restricted, and is available to any person born with the Strachan surname (broadly defined), any person who has an ancestor born a Strachan, or any person who fondly associates themselves with Clan Strachan. Members must pay their annual dues, and actively participate (if a Board Member). Membership may be terminated by written resignation or death, or for any reason with a vote of the Board of Directors. Per our Bylaws, Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote on issues brought before the Corporation by the Board of Directors for ratification, and shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Such issues shall be decided by simple majority affirmations. Only members may run for Corporate Office or as a Director of the Society.

Clan Roll Call (No Charge):  Members or non-Members can added to the Clan Roll Call to receive emails SUBSCRIBE HERE(opens new page). NOTE:  You will not be a Member of the Society unless you complete the following form and pay a lifetime membership fee.

Lifetime membership starts at GBP£20, US$20, CAN$20, €20, or AU$20 (one-time charge).
Application Date 2024-10-22 (Format is YYYY-MM-DD):

Password *
Confirm Password *

(mm/dd/yyyy format)

(mm/dd/yyyy format)

I hereby attest that information provided on this Membership Application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.  I agree to provide the Clan Strachan Scottish Heritage Society, Inc. (herein "Society") Membership Secretary any documentation requested to substantiate claims made by me on this application.  I acknowledge that providing false or misleading information, or failing to provide requested documentation are grounds for non-refundable forfeiture of membership. All officers, directors, and members of the Society must follow the Society Bylaws, and failing to do so will result in loss of office and forfeiture of membership in the Society.  All dues and other funds paid to the Society are non-refundable. All bounced checks to the Society are subject to $25.00 surcharge plus three (3) times the face value of the check up to $1500.  Jurisdiction for all legal claims shall be brought forth in Riverside, California.  Alternative jurisdiction may be authorized at the sole discretion of the Society.  All amounts given are in US Dollars unless otherwise mentioned.  Society has your permission to add your contact information to the Clan Directory located in the password protected Members Only Subweb; and to provide your email and other information to their affiliates, sponsors, and strategic partners. By submitting this form, you agree to all terms and conditions mentioned herein.

If after pressing the button below you get an ERROR Message that your email is already in our database, it is because you are already enrolled in the Non-Member Clan Roll Call (Email List), but have not made a membership payment.  You do not need to complete this form. Instead, simply Click Here to make your membership payment.  We will contact you directly if additional information is needed.  Thank you!

Please be patient, it may take a minute or two for the form to send.